BraIn Plasticity & behavior changes
Research objectives
We develop trainings based on gaming, virtual reality, prismatic adaptation.
A fundamental effort of our group studies is dedicated to memory and its implications. Our work is focused on both explicit and implicit memory processes.
We use to examin the explicit components of memory by a memory test, “the object location task”, created in collaboration with Synarea Consultants s.r.l. and modulated by a game-based training. The aim is to use the experimental protocol of this task for the neurocognitive rehabilitation of Mild Cognitive Imparment (MCI) and Stroke patients, as demonstrated in the longterm project “Rehome”. We also use this platform on healthy adults, often for research purposes, as it provides us with a reliable index of the participant's performance. Moreover, explicit memory is investigated by behavioural tasks, using auditory and visual stimuli. These measures are generally used to assess the cognitive health of the participants before the training and to evaluate the effects of the training accurately.
We are also experts in electrophysiological recording and analysis, this allows us to combine behavioural measures of mnemonic performance with implicit or perceptual learning indices. More specifically, we use EEG to assess the neurological health of participants and patients and to evaluate treatment outcomes instrumentally. We are experts in measuring valid indices of implicit learning, such as MMN and Bayesian Surprise, and indices of motor inhibition, such as the P300 wave.
Re-home. ICT solutions for the telerehabilitation of cognitive and motor disabilities, caused by neurological pathologies.
Funded by Regione Piemonte, 2019-2020-2021.
Sarasso, P., Ronga, I., Kobau, P., Bosso, T., Artusio, I., Ricci, R., & Neppi-Modona, M. (2020). Beauty in mind: Aesthetic appreciation correlates with perceptual facilitation and attentional amplification. Neuropsychologia, 136, 107282.
Caglio, M., Latini-Corazzini, L., D'Agata, F., Cauda, F., Sacco, K., Monteverdi, S., Zettin, M., Duca, S., Geminiani, G. (2012). Virtual navigation for memory rehabilitation in a traumatic brain injured patient. Neurocase, 18 (2), pp. 123-131.
Caglio, M., Latini-Corazzini, L., D'Agata, F., Cauda, F., Sacco, K., Monteverdi, S., Zettin, M., Duca, S., Geminiani, G. (2009). Video game play changes spatial and verbal memory: Rehabilitation of a single case with traumatic brain injury. Cognitive Processing, 10 (SUPPL. 2), pp. S195-S197.
Corazzini, L.L., Thinus-Blanc, C., Nesa, M.-P., Geminiani, G.C., Péruch, P. (2008). Differentiated forgetting rates of spatial knowledge in humans in the absence of repeated testing. Memory, 16 (7), pp. 678-688.
Latini Corazzini, L., Peruch, P., Geminiani, G., Thinus-Blanc, C. (2006) Forgetting rate of topographical memory in a virtual environment. Cognitive Processing, 7 (SUPPL. 1), pp. S56-S58.
Tamietto, M., Corazzini, L.L., Castelli, L., Geminiani, G. (2004). Domain-specific anosognosia in Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Brain Impairment, 5 (2), pp. 187-197.
Leotta, D., Carretta, F., Capellero, B., Latini, L., Geminiani, G., Nobili, M. (2000). Cognitive damage profiles of Alzheimer's disease. Neurological Sciences, 21 (4 SUPPL.), pp. S162-S163.
Bottini, G., Cappa, S., Geminiani, G., Sterzi, R. (1990). Topographic disorientation- A case report. Neuropsychologia, 28 (3), pp. 309-312.