BraIn Plasticity & behavior changes
Research objectives
We study the development and the decay of communication abilities and their interplay with theory of mind and executive functions.
We also study how to assess the communication skills of the participants or patients and how to monitor progress following the training.
We developed a neuropsychological battery for the assessment of communicative abilities, as well as tools and trainings for the rehabilitation of language and communication.
2020 - 2022. Assessment & rehabilitation
Garbarini, F., Calzavarini, F., Diano, M., Biggio, M., Barbero, C., Radicioni, D.P., Geminiani, G., Sacco, K., Marconi, D. (2020). Imageability effect on the functional brain activity during a naming to definition task. Neuropsychologia, 137, art. no. 107275.
Parola, A., Bosco, F.M., Gabbatore, I., Galetto, V., Zettin, M., Marini, A. (2019). The impact of the Cognitive Pragmatic Treatment on the pragmatic and informative skills of individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Journal of Neurolinguistics, 51, pp. 53-62.
Bosco, F.M., Parola, A., Sacco, K., Zettin, M., Angeleri, R. (2017). Communicative-pragmatic disorders in traumatic brain injury: The role of theory of mind and executive functions. Brain and Language, 168, pp. 73-83.
Marini, A., Zettin, M., Bencich, E., Bosco, F.M., Galetto, V. (2017). Severity effects on discourse production after TBI. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 44, pp. 91-106.
Angeleri, R., Gabbatore, I., Bosco, F.M., Sacco, K., Colle, L. (2016). Pragmatic abilities in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: A study with the ABaCo battery. Minerva Psichiatrica, 57 (3), pp. 93-103.
Bosco, F.M., Gabbatore, I., Gastaldo, L., Sacco, K. (2016). Communicative-Pragmatic Treatment in schizophrenia: A pilot study. Frontiers in Psychology, art. no. 166.
Marini, A., Galetto, V., Tatu, K., Duca, S., Geminiani, G., Sacco, K., Zettin, M. (2016). Recovering two languages with the right hemisphere. Brain and Language, 159, pp. 35-44.
Parola, A., Gabbatore, I., Bosco, F.M., Bara, B.G., Cossa, F.M., Gindri, P., Sacco, K. (2016). Assessment of pragmatic impairment in right hemisphere damage. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 39, pp. 10-25.
Ronga I. (2016). Taste Synaesthesias: Linguistic Features and Neurophysiological Bases. In Gola E., Ervas F., Metaphor and Communication, Benjamins Publishing.
Sacco, K., Gabbatore, I., Geda, E., Duca, S., Cauda, F., Bara, B.G., Bosco, F.M. (2016). Rehabilitation of communicative abilities in patients with a history of TBI: Behavioral improvements and cerebral changes in resting-state activity. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, art. no. 48, 10 p.
Gabbatore, I., Sacco, K., Angeleri, R., Zettin, M., Bara, B.G., Bosco, F.M. (2015). Cognitive Pragmatic Treatment: A Rehabilitative Program for Traumatic Brain Injury Individuals. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 30 (5), pp. E14-E28.
Bosco, F.M., Angeleri, R., Sacco, K., Bara, B.G. (2015). Explaining pragmatic performance in traumatic brain injury: A process perspective on communicative error. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 50 (1), pp. 63-83.
Gabbatore, I., Angeleri, R., Bosco, F.M., Cossa, F.M., Bara, B.G., Sacco, K. (2014). Assessment of communicative abilities in aphasic patients. Minerva Psichiatrica, 55 (2), pp. 45-55.
Marini, A., Zettin, M., Galetto, V. (2014). Cognitive correlates of narrative impairment in moderate traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychologia, 64, pp. 282-288.
Galetto, V., Andreetta, S., Zettin, M., Marini, A. (2013). Patterns of impairment of narrative language inmild traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 26 (6), pp. 649-661.
Bosco, F.M., Angeleri, R., Colle, L., Sacco, K., Bara, B.G. (2013). Communicative abilities in children: An assessment through different phenomena and expressive means. Journal of Child Language, 40 (4), pp. 741-778.
Colle, L., Angeleri, R., Vallana, M., Sacco, K., Bara, B.G., Bosco, F.M. (2013). Understanding the communicative impairments in schizophrenia: A preliminary study. Journal of Communication Disorders, 46 (3), pp. 294-308.
Angeleri, R., Bosco, F.M., Gabbatore, I., Bara, B.G., Sacco, K. (2012). Assessment battery for communication (ABaCo): Normative data. Behavior Research Methods, 44 (3), pp. 845-861.
Bosco, F.M., Angeleri, R., Zuffranieri, M., Bara, B.G., Sacco, K. (2012). Assessment Battery for Communication: Development of two equivalent forms. Journal of Communication Disorders, 45 (4), pp. 290-303.
Ronga, I., Bazzanella, C., Rossi, F., Iannetti, G.D. (2012). Linguistic synaesthesia, perceptual synaesthesia and the interaction between multiple sensory modalities. Pragmatics & Cognition, 20(1): 135-167.
Marini, A., Galetto, V., Zampieri, E., Vorano, L., Zettin, M., Carlomagno, S. (2011). Narrative language in traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychologia, 49 (10), pp. 2904-2910.
Angeleri, R., Bosco, F.M., Zettin, M., Sacco, K., Colle, L., Bara, B.G. (2008) Communicative impairment in traumatic brain injury: A complete pragmatic assessmen. Brain and Language, 107 (3), pp. 229-245.